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What Is A Sleep Calculator? 3 Ways This Simple Tool Can Transform Your Life

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Sleep Calculator

Find out when you need to go to bed or wake up for the perfect night's sleep.

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9 hours of sleep, 6 sleep cycles

7.5 hours of sleep, 5 sleep cycles

6 hours of sleep, 4 sleep cycles
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What Is A Sleep Calculator? 3 Ways This Simple Tool Can Transform Your Life

The humble sleep calculator is a deceptively simple tool. Whether you want to know what time you should get out or get into bed, a sleep calculator works by processing the minimum amount of sleep cycles you require to get a full night’s sleep. Most experts recommend you get eight to nine hours of sleep, which can amount to five full sleep cycles.

If all this sounds like gibberish, don’t worry - we’re going to break down everything you need to know about calculating how much sleep you need, from what a sleep cycle actually is, to how finding the best mattress for your comfort can help you accomplish eight hours of full rest each night.

What Is A Sleep Cycle?

What Is A Sleep Cycle? | Puffy

When you go to sleep, your brain goes through various stages of activity. There are five stages of sleep - Stage 1, 2, 3, 4, and REM sleep, during which you do most of your dreaming. Each of these stages makes up a complete sleep cycle.

One sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes. Most experts recommend adults try and achieve five to six full sleep cycles every night. An interesting fact you might not know about sleep cycles is that no two are totally identical - you switch between REM sleep, deep sleep, and the first stages all the time.

When your body doesn’t get to complete enough sleep cycles for an extended period of time, you experience sleep deprivation, which can go a long way in damaging your well-being.

How Do Sleep Calculators Work?

Most sleep calculators work by factoring in your age, as well as the time you want to be in bed by or the time you wish to wake up, to calculate the ideal amount of sleep you should be achieving every night.

So, for instance, if you need to get out of bed at 6:30 am, you simply need to input this into your sleep calculator. After some quick calculations based on your age or average estimates, this handy tool will let you know you need to be in bed by 9:30 pm for six full sleep cycles, and a good night’s rest.

Similarly, if you know you go to bed around 10:00 pm, your sleep calculator will let you know you should get out of bed no later than 7:00 am to ensure you aren’t oversleeping.

How Many Hours Of Sleep Do You Need?

How Many Hours Of Sleep Do You Need? | Puffy

If you want to try calculating the amount of sleep you need yourself, why not go ahead and try to crunch the numbers yourself?

Here’s a handy overview of the number of hours of sleep you need depending on your age, as recommended by experts:

Newborns & Infants 14-17 hours 
Toddlers 11-14 hours
Children 10-13 hours
Teenagers 8-10 hours
Adults 7-9 hours

Why You Need A Sleep Calculator

So how can a sleep calculator help you make the most of your rest? For starters, figuring out the number of hours of rest you need each night can help you plan your day more efficiently.

Knowing when you need to get to bed or what time you need to wake up has the potential to truly transform your life. Here’s why:

#1 You’ll Feel Healthier

Getting a full night’s sleep can have profound impacts on your overall physiological well-being.

Reports from the CDC have found disruptions to your sleep cycle can actually increase your risk of cardiovascular disorders, chronic sleep disorders, and even cancer.

Sleep deprivation, on the other hand, can cause weakness in your immune system, leaving you more susceptible to diseases such as the common cold or other local viruses.

To maintain a proper sense of well-being, therefore, using a sleep calculator to determine when you need to go to sleep is going to be necessary for proper recovery and rest.

#2 You’ll Have More Energy

We’ve all made it to the end of a long day feeling lethargic, sluggish, and unproductive. Making time for a full night’s sleep can reverse this, and have you approaching challenges in your day with more energy and ease.

In one study conducted at the University of Limerick, researchers found that the overall quality of sleep you experience has a direct correlation to feelings of fatigue experienced throughout the day.

Higher levels of energy simply mean you’re going to be experiencing more levels of productivity throughout your day. You’ll be surprised how much time you save simply by making time for a full night’s sleep!

#3 You’ll Beat Personal Bests When Working Out

Whether you’re an athlete or you just enjoy a casual run, a full night’s sleep can also have a positive impact on athletic performance.

One Standford study observed the performance of basketball players on a full night’s sleep and found that they had improved reaction times, better mood regulation, and improved accuracy compared to past performance.

Since sleep is when your body takes the time to recover and recoup from the day’s activity, it’s especially important to try and get your full eight hours in order to ensure you’re enjoying a full night’s rest.

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Sleep

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Sleep | Puffy

Working out the number of hours you need for a good night’s sleep is just half of the equation when it comes to feeling well-rested. You’re also going to want to ensure you’re getting good-quality sleep, which is often based on factors such as personal comfort, anxiety levels, and lifestyle as well.

To make sure you get the deepest, most restorative sleep you can, it’s important to invest in the best mattress you can for your comfort. A comforting sleep setup can reduce the time it takes for you to fall asleep, and the best mattresses act to cool you down and keep you well-supported so that environmental factors don’t affect the overall quality of your rest.

Having a relaxing bedtime routine that integrates a little yoga or meditation can also help in promoting deep sleep right before you go to bed. Still find yourself tossing and turning? A healthy diet can help further.

Prioritizing a good night’s sleep is one of the best things you can do to improve your well-being significantly, and a sleep calculator can help you get started on your journey. Happy snoozing!

Your Turn...

Do you get the most out of your sleep? Share your thoughts in the comments. 

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Disclaimer. We love sleep and we want you to get the best sleep possible. But we do not provide medical advice. This blog is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical info, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on our blog.

Certified Sleep Science Coach

Written by Teresa Francis, Certified Sleep Science Coach

Teresa Francis is a Certified Sleep Science Coach and full-time writer focused on well-being and sleep health. She’s written on a variety of topics, from what’s trending in bedroom decor to the way lifestyle influences sleep. Some of the subject areas she covers for Puffy include the best foods for better sleep, how new parents can catch up on rest, and the best way to become a morning person. Teresa has a Master’s Degree in Literature, and has always believed in the power of a good bedtime story.

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