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3 Morning Routine Habits To Start Your Day Strong

3 Morning Routine Habits To Start Your Day Strong

Have you experienced the rollercoaster ride of emotions that accompanies a rushed start of your day? Then you’ll probably know the importance of having an organized morning routine.

Beginning your day by hitting the snooze button and rushing through breakfast, getting ready, and getting out the door leaves you no time to mentally prepare for the day ahead of you.

To set yourself up for success, it’s important to try and get your morning routine habits in order. Whether it’s making sure you have the best mattress for a truly recharged wake-up, or having a healthy breakfast that fuels you for a strong start, here are some of our favourite ways to get the day going:

#1 Get Up An Hour Early

We’ve all made the mistake of hitting the snooze button one too many times. The issue with this is we run out of time to go about our mornings in a peaceful manner. If you’re the type of person who finds themselves rushing through the morning, then it might be worth trying to time yourself for waking up an hour earlier than you need to in order to prepare properly for the day ahead.

Try to wake up an hour earlier than you have to and see for yourself what an impact a morning routine can make on your productivity throughout the day.

There are two components to waking up early. First, you need to ensure you’re getting sleep that truly leaves you feeling well-rested in the morning. The best mattress for your sleep is going to make this goal a little easier. Opt for something that you know is going to supply the comfort and support you need to make this happen.

If you’re convinced that you already have the best mattress for your sleep, the second component of waking up early is scheduling something you can genuinely look forward to doing. This might be starting a morning yoga practice, or watching an episode of your favourite tv show.

Making time for yourself is going to make a world of difference to your morning routine.

#2 Start Your Day Right With Affirmations

Start Your Day Right With Affirmations

Approaching your day with a positive mindset can make all the difference when it comes to staying productive and focused on your goals. Instead of reaching for your phone first thing in the morning, it’s important to try and begin your day with something positive instead.

Writing down a couple of affirmations that bring you some clarity and purpose can help with supercharging your day. Here are some examples of affirmations that can help you with this:

  • I can & I will.
  • I overcome my fears by following my dreams.
  • I am in charge of how I feel today, and today I am choosing happiness.
  • I am enough.

#3 Drink A Glass Of Water As Soon As You Get Out Of Bed

getting out of bed

Even if you have the best mattress for the job, some fatigue is to be expected, especially if you have an early wake-up time. Your body is dehydrated the moment you get out of bed, which means that you’re not going to feel your best until you restore it with some water.

Drinking a coffee first thing when you wake up can actually dehydrate you further. Some people find it useful to put a glass of water ready for them on their nightstand to drink as soon as they get out of bed in the morning. If you prefer chilled or even flavored water, you can take the time to prepare it the night before, and incorporate it into your bedtime routine.


Having a morning routine teaches you to take value and prioritize time for yourself every day, which can in turn help promote feelings of motivation. Whether it’s investing in the best mattress you can for your comfort, or simply drinking a glass as soon as you wake up, you’ll find these small habits help build a foundation for the healthiest, happiest version of yourself.

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Disclaimer. We love sleep and we want you to get the best sleep possible. But we do not provide medical advice. This blog is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical info, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on our blog.

Your Turn...

Are you sleep deprived? Share your thoughts in the comments. 

Certified Sleep Science Coach

Written by Teresa Francis, Certified Sleep Science Coach

Teresa Francis is a Certified Sleep Science Coach and full-time writer focused on well-being and sleep health. She’s written on a variety of topics, from what’s trending in bedroom decor to the way lifestyle influences sleep. Some of the subject areas she covers for Puffy include the best foods for better sleep, how new parents can catch up on rest, and the best way to become a morning person. Teresa has a Master’s Degree in Literature, and has always believed in the power of a good bedtime story.

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